Yard Couch received Nora Ross products for this review
We use it to flavor our pasta sauce, butter our bread, and to keep vampires at bay. However, not until now have we thought of putting in our hair. Nora Ross, a Latino family-owned beauty supply is changing the way we think of garlic.
The LA-based company of 30-years is making a dent in the billion-dollar beauty industry using garlic extract in its shampoos and conditioners.
“Why?” you ask. Because garlic actually has many little-known properties that act as a steroid for hair growth.
Garlic is rich in compounds like Allicin, Sulphur, Zinc, and Calcium that have health benefits, beauty benefits as well as antibiotic and antifungal properties. It is also a rich source of a mineral known as selenium. Selenium is known to fight cancer and it works with Vitamin E in the body to boost antioxidant power.
For the past few decades, garlic has been recommended by natural medicine practitioners all over the world due to its powerful effects on health. This extends to helping with hair loss.
A 2007 study found anecdotal evidence that participants with alopecia areata who applied garlic gel to bald spots on the scalp improved their hair regrowth. According to recent data, 1 in 5 Americans is losing their hair, with men representing a higher percentage of hair loss victims.
All this said, however, we were skeptical and wanted to put garlic to the test.
Here’s what we came away with:
First Impressions of Nora Ross
I know many friends who run homegrown businesses. All of them tell me the secret to standing out is doing a little bit more than your competitor. This could mean including a personal note in a package or simply reaching out to someone via social media and saying, “thanks, hope you’re day is going well.”
Nora Ross doesn’t go a little bit extra than most beauty products — they go a mile more.
My package came in a box that looked to be fortified with reinforced steel. Moreover, once I dug inside I found one of the most unique and personable package-bundles I’ve ever seen.
I received a fun, artsy self-care guide that gave me face-mask recipes, further details on the benefits of essential oils, and even a brief instruction on how to start meditating.
The bundle included garlic-based shampoo, conditioner, jojoba oil (known to prevent dandruff and an itchy scalp), spray-on shine (an argan oil/aloe extract blend), and two natural herbal supplements (60 capsules of resveratrol and a multi-vitamin).
The stylistic packaging overall was stunning. It felt like a wholesome care-package my mom would send me in college.
Garlic Vs. My Hair

I’m half black and half Puerto Rican, so my hair is not to be trifled with. I have a mini black-fro that many people compare to Childish Gambino. My hair is sensitive, so when something doesn’t work, I know immediately.
All that said, Nora Ross is the real deal. My hair smelled good; it glistened like I hadn’t seen it in a long time. My head felt fresh as if someone went in, pulled up all the weeds, and sprinkled new fertilizer.
Even my sister — who spends upwards of two hours a day making sure every follicle of her hair is perfect — agreed that she saw (and smelled) improvement. She even agreed to give it a shot.
My only drawback is that I didn’t feel, or at least get to see any improvement from the pills included in my package. Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant that is known for its anti-aging benefits. However, I didn’t feel any benefits.
Maybe, you have to use the product for longer in order to see any effects. Or maybe they are so subtle you may never even notice. Or, maybe there isn’t anything to notice. Either way, I can’t say after using it for nearly two weeks.
Lastly, the bundle’s $106 price point is a bit steep. But seeing what you get, including the incredible ship time and packaging, I think it is justified.
Final Verdict of Nora Ross
We all suffer hair loss at some point, but the products we choose to combat the problem make all the difference. If you throw chemical junk in your hair you will get junk in return.
Natural is the way to go when it comes to taking care of your hair and Nora Ross is one of the best.
While you may associate garlic as unsavory or foul, their products make you smell and feel like you belong in a Saint Laurent catalog. This is a beauty solution staple.