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Thanksgiving Food Review: The Main Course

Thanksgiving food turkey

Thanksgiving. When you hear the word, the first thought that comes to mind, after being thankful and helping others out, is food. Good food.

But among the many traditions of Thanksgiving is the wonderful meal shared with loved ones.

In preparation for Thanksgiving, here at Yard Couch we are looking at the best options for each category. We will be rolling out reviews for popular dishes served on the holiday.

This review will be focused on the main course. I know what you’re thinking, “there is only one option, turkey.” But you’d be surprised how many people choose to have their main dish be something other than turkey.

Meat Options

If a turkey isn’t your thing, but you still want a large meat option to be the center of your feast, there are a few substitutes you can consider.

A popular substitute, although not a bird, is ham. A glazed ham can get any food fanatics’ mouth-watering. There are plenty of options for what to glaze yours in. And if it goes successful on Thanksgiving, you can use this recipe for any other holiday as well.

A roasted chicken is the perfect turkey substitute. I’d bet if you switched them out, your younger cousins wouldn’t even notice. If you ask me, chicken is the better option. They are very similar but chicken tastes better than turkey.

Now if you’re feeling really fancy and bold, you can try goose. It might not be a traditional substitute, but they’re all in the same family. Not all your guests may be a fan of this though.

Pasta Options

If you’re making pasta on Thanksgiving you better make sure it’s something in the oven. People aren’t going to want plain old spaghetti on this holiday made for eating.

One dish people almost always enjoy, baked ziti. You can make baked ziti with meat or without. Just make sure you use the right type of noodles.

Another pasta dish, one that’s a little more complicated is lasagna. Although not as simple, it is the superior option over baked ziti, in my opinion. Again, you can spice up a lasagna dish by adding meat or keep it with just the basics.

Vegetarian Options

If you’re hosting Thanksgiving and by some chance everyone there is vegetarian, you aren’t going to want to have a turkey. Pasta is an option as a substitute, but not everyone wants to eat all that sauce and cheese. Some vegetarians will have the Thanksgiving dinner, but just don’t include the turkey. A plate full of sides isn’t a bad idea. Other options include adding portabella mushrooms, pot pies, squash, or any other vegetarian dish you eat regularly. Just because it is a holiday doesn’t mean you can’t eat your favorite everyday dish.

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